неделя, 28 май 2017 г.

SKAM S4 E5 Review /English & Bulgarian/

Hello, Skamily!

First clip from E7 is here, but I am too one last episodes.

Episode 5
E5 was like E8 of season 3. To the middle all was great and next BOOM Things go Wrong!
We saw Elias who is good brother! He told to Sana to be yourself and happy. Cause when she isn’t happy he is unhappy too! (How sweet!) Also he asked her Did she like Yousef. And Sana was like “Nei! Nei nei nei!”  She invited the Ballon squad into the party. (Was this a mistake?)

So into the party was the most beautiful scene, maybe in all seasons! The karaoke scene! First Even singed. But when the Ballon squad came we stop. And then Isak come and started singing with Even. Together.


And boys too – Mangus, Jonas and Mahdi. And all the people into room! Was adorable! All were happy! Sana was happy too!

But that is SKAM! So things go wrong like the trailer. Reserve version here:

Noora undersand for William and was so angry to Sana. We had no time to thinking, because Yousef came and say that Elias is in trouble!
Lady and Gentlemen, we had a f*cking fight between the boys. And do you know who had a blood on the face?
My pure baby Isak!
Elias said Sana is idiot!
And no no no episode is not ending.
Sana heard that Sara is talking bulshits about her. Yes Sara is a b****!
No final yet!
Of course when Sana go to the party room, maybe to ask her friends for help she saw this two:

Резултат с изображение за noora and yousef kiss

Sana is broken!
And we must had 1 week without clips!
Fy faen!

Свързано изображение

БГ ревю
Така попринцип се очаква че в средата на сезона нещата ще започнат да се оправят, но не всичко се…
Момичетата трябваше да кажат на Нора за Вилиан! А разбира се тя си го изкара на най-добрата си приятелка т.е. Сана.
Може би Сана не трябваше да кани брат си и момчетата на партито. Но не мога да я виня, понеже е толкова влюбена в Йоусеф!
А защо момчетата винаги си решават проблемите с бой? Защо? Разбирам че Микаел е бил разтроен! Разбирам че Евън е действал на чувства! Ама трябваше ли Исак да го отнася??

Резултат с изображение за isak blood skam

Ами Сара. От самото начало знаех че е гадна!
Не мога да кажа нищо против Йоусеф! Той е просто ДОБЪР! Явно е видял разтроената Нора и е решил да я утеши, а може и тя да го е целунала кой знае!

Обаче Сана… След невероятната сцена с караокето, Мерси на Джули и компания!!! Абе дано нещата да се оправят, защото незнам! 

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